MODULE: apall, apsum
SYSTEM: -V2.12.2
MODULE:	apall, apsum
SYSTEM:	-V2.12.2
DATE:	Fri May 21 16:14:31 MST 2004
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When an aperture trace is lost the region of the trace fit is less
	than the range of the dispersion.  However, during extraction the
	trace is evaluated at all points along the dispersion.  The
	extrapolation of the fit can cause problems resulting in errors
	such as out of memory or salloc underflow.  The only workaround
	is to eliminate the aperture with the bad trace or use the 
	interactive trace fitting options to constrain the fit, such as
	by adding dummy points, to give a well behaved trace fit.

STATUS:	In future releases evaluation of the trace will use
	fit at the end point when extrapolating outside the range of
	the fit.

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