MODULE: rv.rvidlines
SYSTEM: V2.12-V2.12.1
MODULE:	rv.rvidlines
SYSTEM:	V2.12-V2.12.1
DATE:	Thu Feb  6 15:01:26 MST 2003
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The task first parses the date keyword given in KEYWPARS which
	sets the year, month, day, and optionally the UT.  But then
	it parses the UT keyword given in KEYWPARS in the same way
	as for the date.  If this keyword is not in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.S
	format then the year, month, and day are clobbered the program
	crashes.  So in this version there is no substitue to using
	this format for the date and setting the UT keyword to
	be the same as the date keyword.

STATUS:	Fixed in the next release.

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