MODULE: dohydra, dofibers, doargus, do3fiber
SYSTEM: -V2.15.1
DATE: Fri Feb 11 12:30:46 MST 2011
FROM: valdes

BUG: The tasks will shorten root input image names to six characters by using the first five and last characters. Depending on the style of image names this can result in name conflicts. The reason for this shortening is no longer known so it is now considered a bug. Workarounds are to be aware of this and rename image names to avoid conflicts.

STATUS: This is fixed in the next release. The fix is to modify the file $iraf/noao/imred/src/fibers/ as shown (replace lines 125 to 129 with "extn = extn // ".ms"). If you don't have permission to make this change then copy the file to your iraf "home$" directory, edit it, load the desired package, and then override the definition of the file with "redefine proc = home$".

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