CDS has announced the availability of Aladin V3.7. Details are available from the download page and summarized below.
We are pleased to announce Aladin release 3.7

It integrates the following new points:

- Multi-language support: presently english and french (see "User
preferences" menu)
- Xmatch support for ellipses: useful to take into account errors on
position or cross-match some extended sources
- Image mosaic: as an alternative to the blink feature ("assoc" button)
- Multiple FITS Extension support: images and/or FITS ASCII or binary tables
- Full VOTable support: inline base64 or href stream fits or binary
- Support for Character-Separated-Value catalogs: CSV -> Tab, pipe,
semi-column, comma, one or several white spaces, S-Extractor output
format) and not only Tab-Separated-Value catalogs (TSV) (See "User
preferences" menu)
- status and set script command extension: shape, color, folder, view status
 - Stack folder local scope property: to avoid catalog projection
outside the folder
- FITS RGB images: RGB images saved and loaded as FITS cubes
- Miscellaneous: RGB image FlipFlop function - RGBdiff script command -
Information in "frame info" copy-and-pastable - Overlay tags use
centroid algorithm - Stack width can be modified - "allcolumns"
parameter for the "get VizieR()" script command

Pierre Fernique

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