No doubt inspired by the success of this site, the SExtractor and SWarp mailing lists have been moved to a forum-based discussion. Not much content so far, but still a good place for all your TERAPIX questions. Details in the announcement below, direct link for the impatient is at

Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 18:36:06 +0200
From: Emmanuel Bertin 
Subject: [swarp] Move to forums

Dear member of the sextractor and swarp mailing-lists,

the sextractor and swarp mailing-lists will be definitely closed in a matter of 
days. To increase user-friendliness and improve immunity from spamming, the 
discussions are being transfered to the brand new TERAPIX forums at

Note that although anyone has access to these forums, you need to be registered 
to post or to be notified of new posts by e-mail. You can register right now at

Best regards,
                        Emmanuel Bertin.

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